Monday, May 9, 2011

Last Few days of Paris, Next stop Brugge!

Ok, after walking 35km's around Paris with my host Guilamune, (Crazy French Guy), I had a day off to myself, while he picked up even some more guests to take on a tour of Paris. Thinking this would be an easy day, I went to the Lovue, ok, it's just a museum, I was wrong it is HUGE, but it's not what is inside that is impressive, but the building itself, grand old palace, it had an impressive Egyptian collection, not as good as the one in Cario, but still pretty good, when you think of all the stuff they "received as 'gifts' cough cough", next it was the art collection, honestly it is way too much for a simple person like myself. I know nothing about art, but I was impressed, but again, way too much volume, and I would hate to think what they still have in there vaults...

The Black Beast! the heavy breather at night, in a l1 bedroom appartment, we were staying in,6 people! and an amazing Doggie!

Ok, just a quick snap, it was like 5 metres deep of people looking at her, she was amazing, her Eyes followed you around the room.

Ceilings in the lovue, the buildings just as impressive as the artwork inside

Another inside the Lovue

Some Shop in Paris

OMG a Tesla, I honestly never though I would EVER see one of these, (is an all electric sports car)

My Couchsurfing buddies in Paris!, yep one of those girls SNORES! rofl!

That night, we had an amazing meal, cooked up by Guillaume, our host in Paris showed us his skills in the kitchen, Vegie pasta dish for me, some pork dish for everyone else, followed by cheeses, wine & rum or Rhum as they call it in French... :) Everyone got to sleep, at 2am, I had to get up at 8:30am to get ready to catch my train... yep, my ability to wake up on demard amazes me, with my little torch (apartment is in darkness if the blinds are down) shower/packed my pack and was off to the train station without waking anyone... (sorry for not saying good bye) you were all sleeping so well :)

Goodbye Paris!

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