Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"We are Chris", Warsaw Rising, The squirrel encounter. & Kumara Soup

Sorry about the delay in posts, I have had limited internet access the past week or so...

I've now cloned myself, we are chris, I am now really to TAKE OVER THE is so nice to have delusions of grandeur

WARSAW RISING, ok, I had a basic idea of the history of WW2, it all started with the Nazi invasion of Poland, with the USSR Joining in, the poor Pol's had no chance. Warsaw Rising, is probably the most moving museum, I have ever been in, within 30 seconds, tears were so close to coming out, you enter, to hear the thumping beat of a heart, (very loud), It is designed to make you feel, your in there, but your not.

Map of what happened

History of the second world war, basically Warsaw, the people towards the end of the war, were asked to Rise up, the Red army was close, the Nazi's were moving out, the people rose up, to reclaim there city, it was ment to be only for 48 hours, expecting surport from USSR, and the allied forces, Stalin, Halted the advance of the red army, and refused to let the allied forces land on the 2-300 air strips in eastern (USSR controlled poland)... the people of warsaw, lasted I believe 68 days, 16,000 Nazi's were killed, with 300,000 civilians killed, the city was leveled.

Now, the burning question that I had, why the hell didn't the French do this in Paris?

Anyway, time for some less depressing stuff

Interesting sign found in Warsaw, No Guns, No Drinking, No Knifes, No Spray Cans, No Fires, and No Bikes! ROFL 

One of the amazing parks in central warsaw, it is huge, 1-2km square, people are not allowed to run, or take dogs here, just walk and enjoy, it was nice! and COOL, probably low 20's
The first Squirrel encounter, cute little guy, ran up his tree into the hole 
Next encounter was like WTF, walking along the path, and this guy comes upto me... runs up my leg, and thinks... hey your not a tree, comes back... plays with my shoes... and gives me this amazing shot.. "Hurry up and FEED ME"
some amazing street art in Warsaw, I am guessing this is commissioned work, as it was amazing.

I managed to find Kumara's! shock horror,  I made a batch for Jacek & his friend, only problem, is I may have to return... to make a Pavalova!... (once Jacek finds me an oven :) ) 

Thanks again my friend for an amazing time in Warsaw!

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