Sunday, May 1, 2011


After a 4 or so hour rail journey from Bordeaux, I've made it to Nantes, I had to now,  walk around the city for the next 5-6 hours with my backpack on... am kinda getting used to it after a couple of days in Bordeaux, key difference noticed, it was alot cooler than Bordeaux, and the women wore more clothing... damn... sucks to be me! Still, I made it

Trainstation at Nantes, I spend an entertaining 4 hours chatting in the train, was different to flying will try and do it more for 4 hour and below trips

Another Church

Another Church, they seem to be everywhere

Quick pic inside


going for a ride on the little train... see I'm not totally stupid, why carry around the backpack... If I can ride! in style!

some random street

Another fortress (more pics of this coming up later)

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