Thursday, June 23, 2011

Newenstien castle

Ok, this is the castle, of fantasy, it is unfinished, and alot more impressive on the outside than inside, I actually thought it was small inside....

Still here are some of the amazing photos
from the photos it actually looks alot bigger than it actually is, altho it is still unfinished, (probably will never be finished)

view from the hill I climbed... it's magic

There was thunder/lightning... and the sun comes out... seriously this is just like home

lucky I am not scared of heights... just spiders and snakes ;-)

Another view of another castle in the distance

Another  postcard shot

another Postcard shot, the climb up to this spot, was well worth it, it didn't take to long, ok there was a little climbing... but nothing too hard

Me playing with the timer settings on my camera

Picture of ludwig's castle he grew up in

Epic shot! shame I am not smiling

Another shot trying to show the drop... I am guessing 100 metres down...

Zoom of one of the towers

Inside it wasen't that impressive... and rather small
Amazing floor, ok you were not ment to take photos in here, I just took a few quick snaps while no one was looking... no flash or course


Yet another image

forgive my photo work, it was quick snaps while no one was looking... the ceiling was amazing, but you could sense it wasen't finished

Art work, really didn't appear to be polished, still very good tho

Amazing views from every window,  truly magic spot to build a castle

The kitchen... actually was pretty modern for its time...

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