Thursday, June 23, 2011

Prague, last day before heading off to Munich

Ok, my last day in Prague, I went to the museum, the weather was cooling down with a high chance of rain... I was looking forward to it, but with all things I have noticed in Czech, they expect you to pay to everything, entrance fee to the museum, camera fee, plus a tip to put your bag in the locker.

These were the diamonds, one of the big ones was like 500+ carats, thats almost as big as the star of africa, that was in the tower of london, the museum was fulled with ROCKS, serious, I am guessing 1/2 of it was some form of rock, was actually really interesting but an overload..

They had stuffed kiwis

Me and the big wooly guy behind me!

The actual museum was very nice inside, wasen't HUGE but, still enough to entertain me for 3-4 hours

Me looking up

Let the sun shine! my magic hat works! see!

Anyway I caught my bus, from Prague to Munich... later that day... 38 Euro, little expensive, but it had a better time, it was totally full, and a few people missed out (overbooked) another person, got pillows and the floor! at a later stop.

Anyway next update will be from Munich!

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