Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sibiu, while waiting for my washing to dry

Ok, I am staying in a hostel at the moment, "Sibiu Travelers Hostel" is actually pretty nice, very quiet, I am the only person, in a 10 bed dorm, I am guessing it would get crazy with 20-30 people here....

Sibiu, is different to any other town so far in Romania, it is VERY touristy, very clean

People walking around the square

As with almost every European town, they have a large town square

Ok I had fun with this image, I am not acutally sure what it is, I am guessing a bear, with arms...
Another street view

one of the cloak towers

One of the guard towers along the wall, from what I was reading, these used to be maintained by Guilds, i.e. 1 Guild would look after one tower, like the blacksmiths, bakers, goldsmiths etc

Inner wall showing another tower

Another view of the tower

Cafe Wien, this was setup by the habsburg royal family for coffee shops along there empire

My treat ;-)

The view from my coffee

Yet another view

Bakery, ok it isn't france, or italy... still pretty nice...

Another view of a street..

OMG, I spent 2nzd to see this... FORK I have never been so scared... the guy pulled out one, wanted me to hold it... but I just couldn't do it... the terror....

even behind the glass I was scared.... sign of a true kiwi!

Yet another street view... notice the sun is out... about time..

Anyway.... I will go check to see if my washing is dry... then head back into Sibiu... 

And work out where to go after Prague..... thinking Istanbul or Stockholm...

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