Sunday, May 15, 2011

Berlin day one

Ok, I arrived in Berlin, my plane was delayed some strike action at the berlin end, I had some cheese, that I tried to bring in my carry on luggage, it got bounced in the first scan, was like DUH!, ok one was a Blue vien, I can see how that could endanger the plane.

Anyway, Couchsurfing Failed me in Berlin, guess it was too much last minute stuff, I really need to get organised....

In the markets in Berlin, and what do I see? ROFL asked if I could take his picture

Tower in Berlin, kinda like skycity I guess..

Last bits of the berlin wall, it is rounded at the top, to not make it easy to climb over, going to go back tomorrow to have a better look, went on a bus tour, to scout out the area, to give me a better idea of where I am going.

ok this is at check point charlie, I will check it out again tomorrow, the bus tour, wasen;t the best for taking photo's it was COLD, and the windows dirty.

Vegie heaven, got one of the cheeze pancake thingies, and one of the brown vegie thingies, were really nice

Some building in Berlin, actually could be important :*)

something about a victory tower or something like that the Nazi's moved it and enlarged it, notice the gold thingies, they are actually cannons captured in previous wars they had won, so no cannons at the top.

Anyway, that is it for day one Germany, going to explore the Wall tomorrow, and probably buy my ticket to Poland!

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