Monday, May 30, 2011

OMG it's HUGE!

Yes, there be a mexican!!!, ok I've taken probably 800 photos, so there must be some good ones in there.... 30 full HD video clips (which I found had no sound! duh!) changed a setting on my camera, it is now doing it to mpeg encoding with sound yippee, 

There Be a Giant Mexican!! this is the giant, it takes like 2 guys to jump off with the ropes just to lift his leg, he is huge, takes ALOT of work for them to animate him, I believe this is the 1st or 2nd generation puppet, developed by Royal De Luxe
Giant walking around town, crowd was huge, few hundred thousand atleast, the poor public transport system got hammered, the trams were crammed so tight, that you couldn't validate your ticket.. duh!

Giant, checking on the good lords work...

Think he's getting ready for a sleep

Crowds of people

I see giants walking
Getting ready to fly

Me & a cute giant girl in the background ;-) isn't see sweet!

Epic photo

Giant getting ready for a drink, well, one of the poor guys up top was about to get WET

Damn who gave those Mexicans such a big GUN!

Thats it for the moment, flying off to London tomorrow, this was an amazing weekend, Thanks again Fredo! for putting up with me!, at for feeding me way too many beers ;-)

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