Friday, May 27, 2011

Krakow, Poland

Ok, this is a quick post, I am a week out of date with my blog... yes, a slave to the blog.... and this weekend is action packed...

Train journey from Warsaw to Krakow, took just a few hours, I am totally amazed at how flat Europe is, well

Here are some of the pictures from my first day in Krakow...
Crazy wood cavings... I really must post some of my gear in my backpack home, so I can start to buy some of these things...

My hosts in Krakow, these Marta & Rafel, they were amazing, I stayed with them in an old 1950's Communist style 1 bedroom appartment.. 

Krakows Castle, the dome is ment to be real gold..

was amazing, days were like 27-32 degrees clear blue skys... then THUNDER/LIGHTING... out of nowhere almost every day... was unreal

Was some market day...

Market stuff

Me & Krakow's Famous fire breathing DRAGON!, yes you have to send a txt (cost you I don't know how much, to get it to shoot some flames out!) way way cool!

MArket again, some cute Polish girl (yes there were soo soo many) smoking some dumplings

More market day stuff
Bread in Europe, is amazing, the things I will miss, when I come home, are the Bread/Cheese/Wine/Pretty girls ;-)

Anyway... that is it for the light side of Krakow, the next will be the Darker side....


  1. I love those cool wood carvings! I wanna visit Krakow in the future and look for some couches to surf in Poland. :)

  2. Krakow, was cool, very easy to find a couch, (1 request sent reply in 1 hour), polish people are soo friendly, my hosts were amazing, spend way too much time looking after me, can't wait to get back to eastern Europe. (In Nantes again atm)
