Sunday, May 1, 2011

Nantes, Weather outlook! Thunder/Lightning

Ok, after a couple of hours talking to mum and dad on Skype, it was time to have a shower, and head off again, Today being Sunday, and also a public holiday here (May 1st), I walked off to check out one of the parks Fredo had dotted on my map, was just a few kms from his place, easy walk...
Some interesting houses on the way



First Park

Yep, this is a little island in the middle of a pond/stream, yes those be rabbits! how cute

Another of the park

Along the road...

Kinda like our Pukeko with little chicks

Think this is a RAT I was like WTF is that

Walking along the river

Can't recall the rivers name

Path down by the river, have found I keep to the left on the paths, old habbits die hard, almost have been run over by a bike twice now... is like WTF, in NZ we don't care!

Anyway That was todays walk, am feeling a little better now... not as blocked up...voice still seems a little crocky... hopefully it is broken... was a good walk I am guessing 10km walk over 5 hours :)


  1. It had a tail like a Rat, and it's swimming wasen't that fantastic that I would expect with an otter, but was a DAMN big rat if it was one..
