Saturday, June 18, 2011

Bus Journey Romania to Prague

Ok, I arrived in Prague after an epic 18 hour Bus trip from Romania via Hungary, I am glad I did it but I honestly wouldn't want to catch another bus from Romania again, not for that long...

The bus's suspension must have been shot, from traveling over Romanian roads, picture NZ roads 40-50 years ago... maybe worse, anyway, I was unable to sleep, the shaking was just way way too much,
Sunset from my window, I am guessing this was on the Hungary side of the border

it's all a blur... actually is ment to be a full moon, is from one of the stops, during the night, was really strange, we stopped for lunch about 1 hour in, every other stop after that was a bathroom break, ok sometimes at a gas station where you could buy some snacks...

A Bi-Plane ok wasen't a good shot... he was flying around doing some amazing moves before I could get out the camera

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