Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hungary, Budapest

Budapest, I sent 12 couchsurfing requests out, and got 3-4 replys (accepts) damn! I am staying with a first time host, Gabor, in his apartment on the Buda side of Budapest, it is a very "pretty" city, really easy to get around, even tho I have a public transport card, I tend to walk.

The people here are really friendly, I was getting my bearings, looking at my map, and a cute girl comes upto me asking me if I needed any help..  

Metro Sytem in Budapest, there are 3 Metro lines couple appear to be dated a little bit, but hell, atleast they have a Metro

Me outside the Parliament building

I went for a walk around one of the islands in the river,  it was like a 5km around it! damn

Picture of the Buda side of the river

deep under the main castle/fortress on top of the hill buda side, is the lyberinth it was used in the second world war, as well as the cold war, cellers were all connected up with passageways, it was huge,  I believe this picture is of the fountain of white wine...
One of the many stone guards in the passageways, they have sounds, to give it extra feeling, but kids running around screaming... killed the moment, they needed some of the music from diablo, playing... and with less light.. it would freak people out

ok I stuffed up the light exposure of this shot, it was my first darkness shot, 60 sec's, they had cards a rider on a horse, into the stone... pretty cool effects

Head, jutting out of the floor...

ok I think this shot I stuffed up... it had a good effect, but needed less light

Serous business...

Back underground...

the fountain of red wine, ok, they said not to try any... hehe, probably would make you sick...

This was the exit, it was said during the cold war, this had 10,000 people working in there...

Budapest at night

Another shot, I will take some from the apartment tonight, there are some amazing views here

Other than that, only other exciting things that have happened, I was preving at a young lovely on the metro, she noticed, smiled, and walked over to me, and waited for the next stop with me.. yep, me being me, failed to do anything ;-) was my thrill of the day rofl.

Went to one of the local spa's, was very nice, thermal waters, after that the couchsurfing meeting in Budapest, were around 20-25 people, mostly surfers. Afterwards we went on to some Gypsy Concert in the central city, was a free one, basically folk music, with a ton of people drinking and having a good time, I walked back to the apartment, around midnight,  got home around 1am, as quiet as a 6 foot tall mouse, I unlocked the door, so not to disturb my host Gabor (who went out to another concert).. only to find out, 30 mins later, knock knock on the door, Gabor arrived home with his girlfriend. ( I had locked it from the inside, which prevented him from unlocking the otherside) duh!!!  

Now, my mission is.... with only a few weeks to go... where to go next? I still haven't fully made up my mind, gotta do it in the next few hours!

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