Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 2 Wein, lets visit the island!!

Ok, I visited some man made island in the middle of the river. I am guessing it's from all the crap they dug out for the subway system? it is actually really big...  a few km's long... some parts 100-200 metres wide...

There was some free concert, with 7-8 stages all over the island, it was actually really cool, once one lot of music fades off you hit the next stage.... for the next lot. There was plenty of places to drink/eat with side shows, power company/army/fire etc etc, alot of security & police. There was even some strange camera on the back of a van.... turning around scanning people, it was huge... I am guessing it's scanner for weapons? who knows....

This is the reason why kids in europe think cows are purple!

Me Relaxed on the island....

Bar in the sky....

Cocktail anyone?

Another view

wtf... we honestly are getting totally ripped off at home... 20mbit/s is FAST for NZ

close up of the bar in the sky.... nah I didn't go up....

Random photos

This was huge.... I am guessing it was over 4km's, friend said there was like 80,000 people at the main stage last night... I came home early... 

Another view... sitting down at the main stage

Jumpin into the river! ok I missed the guy bouncing up duh!

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