Saturday, June 4, 2011

London, couple of days in London

Ok, after the shock, of almost not making it here... it was time to do some touristy stuff

Sylvia, my friend that stayed with me in NZ, looked after me for a couple of days,
showing me around, feeding me way too much thanks again

The union jack, you would be amazed at how long it took to take this photo! just didn't want to show it's colours


One of the Ravens at tower bridge

Couple of guards

Henry the 8ths Armour, notice the protection around the family jewels!

First BEER in the UK

Tower Bridge

tower bridge... yep thats me

OMG, they are stalking me still damn

Changing of the guards

Me at the bridge, yeah it is alot cooler here

Me at the queens place, was going to ask for a cupper

They are everywhere, always watching... 

Me walking to big ben, no not the pies! the clock

Hello, Hello!, can anyone hear me?

Me & Sylvia... I really need a shave

Me a raven, and a guard

First dinner, note, they are vegie

froked if I know where this is...


Me in chains

HMS Belfast, an insane amount of guns on this, think it was built in 1936 or something


Scary things in london

Pretty cool in the sand

FAKE Palms, not only in Warsaw! they are in London too! hell these are inside!

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