Thursday, June 9, 2011

Goodbye Hungary, Hello Transylvania

I had to finally say goodbye to Budapest, I probably should have spend atleast another 2-3 days there... but... It was time to move on...

Views from Gabors apartment, they are more amazing at night, yes I failed to take the shots... kicking myself now

Almost all of the major sites... just outside the window 

This looks better at night with it all lite up

please forgive me for not taking any night pictures...

ugh... I am soo regretting not taking any night time shots

Transylvania... Yes I have arrived in Romania, this used to be a part of Hungary until the end of WW1, when the austro/hungarian empire was striped of it along with czech and croatia and a few other countrys, they tried to get it all back (well the Nazi's promised them it in WW2)

Yep it's me unshaved waiting for Dracula... duh! it's light outside, he;s not gotta wait till nighttime 

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