Friday, June 10, 2011

Sighisoara, where Dracula got his baby fangs

Ok, this was my first time,to explore Sighisoara, in lonely planet it describes it as where Dracula got his baby teeth,  we hitchhiked there, bus would have cost like 50 Euro cents 1nzd, I was up for anything, hey when in Romania.... the weather is horrible, feels just like home, except I am getting wet with it, normally I would be in my car, or inside... this time... outside... in the cool rain... guessing 17-18 degrees here... with light rain... enough to get you wet...

Anyway i've dumped almost all the photos on for today.. some are ok, others are crap...
remember it is cold and wet, probably a little like it is at home at the moment....

Me entering Draculas Domain

One of the towers from a distance

Two people trying to hitchhike... sorry girls... we got this ride :)

General town

View from up top

Ok, it was wet, I was pull the camera out... snap snap..

Drac's Clock tower so he knows when to come out....

Really strange staircase, was fully covered...

more views from the top

more pics of the town

It's different again to any other Europern town...

Me, second hitchhiking trip... believe this was on the truck

Lunch, 2 beers/2 mains/2 deserts 10nzd

ok more of the staircase... I tagged all my photos for today... internet here is really fast

crashed truck, one of 2 that we passed on the way there, also passed 3 crashed cars, was a 120-130km journey, normal speeds of our drivers was 60-70km/h

Another shot from up top

arrrh, this is our first ride

View from the car... yep it's WET


Another from up top

Another along the road

First look at Vlads Tower

One of the Guard towers

Crashed car on the side of the road...

Another Guard tower


Desert... damn Wykie will KILL me for this

Vlads clock tower again...

Pic of Vlads head

On the Truck ride back

not my best look... oooh the horror

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