Saturday, April 23, 2011

Beyond Porto, Guimaraes, The first city of Portugal, Porto at Night!

Good Friday, unlike NZ, everything is open over Easter, my friend Rui, to escape the rain, decided to drive north, probably a little disappointed that I haven't done any research on Portugal or where I wanted to go..

Anyway, we travelled north, to the City of Guimaraes, this is the beginning of Portugal, where it was retaken, over from the Moors, foundation city of the country of Portugal...
Me as the first king of portugal!

Some interesting information, Portugal, in the 14th-15th Century was a Superpower, I asked myself, "what happened?" I guess miss management over the centurys?,  It was very surprising, how far they travelled and there discovery of Brazil, i.e. they found Brazil, on the way to India, strange I know, they did 2 attempts at this, found Brazil, then continued on, around South Africa to India, to get there cargo of spices to return to Europe.
Map shows shows how far they went.. 

Anyway, we visited a fortress, around the 14th Century, and a Palace, I guess, for a duke, (actually have some photos), visited some more amazing churches.
View from one of the fortress's

me in the inner quartyard
outside one of the Dukes Palaces
Dinner anyone?
View from the top of a hill overlooking Guimaraes

Streets around Guimaraes

Footpath or Road... I really find it hard to tell here..

Lastly, Rui, after cooking again, I really feel soo guilty, he cooks a vegie meal for me, and a meat dish for everyone else... I am questioning  if I should just start to eat meat again, but I am scared, if I do, will I start to put on the weight again aaaggghhh..

Old Porto Day to Night

Lastly, around midnight, Rui his friend Rui (yes it's a common name here) asked if I wanted to go out, I was yeah sure!, I got changed, having no idea what I was in for, was my first time going out at night, since Germany.

All I can say is OMG Wow, it is insanely different to NZ, people, all ages are drinking on the streets, I was told there were out less people out, (due to easter) but with all the drinking on the streets, you feel totally safe,  people drink, but don''t appear to get totally trashed, there is zero police, (guess they only show up if there is trouble?) no security at all, i.e, bouncers... everyone is just happy... with an interesting mix, young ones, 15-16, to the older ones in there 50's...

Me and the Cat! I'm tempted to get a pet when I get home, maybe a little Doggie or a Cat...
120km/h speed limit (ok not unlimited like Germany) but still 120 is pretty good.

Finally, Ive booked my flights out of Portugal, I'm going to a city called Bordeaux, (this is on the 26th April flying Ryanair) in France, i'm not sure where I will be going to after that.. maybe Paris Nantes or Lyon..

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