Dropped off in porto, gray day, rain, sun, rain..think it's ment to be like this for the next few days, Anyway here are a few photos
sign going onto the motorway... No cows? or carts?
there be america!!
I kind of recognised these trees, they looked like Pōhutukawa but I wasen't sure, as they were not in flower, they were everywhere hundreds of them, in parks and on the beaches, no really old ones like at home..
looking down the coast
walk way down the coast, I did an insane amount of walking today, I should get one of those walking measuring devices, Rui was even surpised how far I walked
10 Year Old Port, was very good, 3euro, a glass, brought the bottle
fort on the coast
Police, on horses, even armed, It is noticable, you don't see the police much here, I've seen one outside a Jewellery store, one on the street of some upmarket neigbourhood, but crime dosen't seem visable here, atleast I couln't see it. Portugal feels very safe.
aaaaah, looky at what I found!!!
Me trying to be vegie, had to get a custom made sandwich
waves crashing over, was still low tide, hate to think what it's like at high tide
Alot of people beg in the streets, there are a few that preform, this one had a little doggie
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